5 Important Divorce Details to Never Overlook

5 Important Divorce Details to Never Overlook

Most couples who decide to divorce have a good idea of what to expect when it comes to common issues such as joint bank accounts, property that they purchased together, or the custody of children and subsequent visitation rights for the other parent. But there are...
5 Reasons to Never Delay Your Divorce

5 Reasons to Never Delay Your Divorce

Because divorce can be a painful and traumatic—not to mention permanent—end to a relationship that spouses may have been in for years (if not decades), it’s common for one or both parties to delay the inevitable. That means that despite the wheels of divorce being set...
5 Tips for Handling an Unexpected Divorce

5 Tips for Handling an Unexpected Divorce

When many people picture a divorce, they think of years of unhappiness, frequent fights, and an overall feeling of animosity between both partners in a marriage. But many divorces begin with one spouse caught completely off guard by the news that the other wants to...
10 Common Myths about Divorce

10 Common Myths about Divorce

Because divorce is so common in the U.S., with around 40 to 50 percent of couples eventually ending their marriages, almost everyone knows someone who got divorced. And the stories they tell often involve plenty of factual and not-so-factual information that can make...